Monday, February 22, 2010

Time to fill you all in!

I have been really sick for the last couple of weeks so Jerry didn't want me working at the new house. We also received a blessing from God in the form of a new granddaughter as you already know. Jerry has been working so hard on our house and he finally took the camera with him the other day so I could post an update.

We found some termite damage when we were ripping the walls out. It is amazing what
a few hungry bugs can do. This damage was expected since parts of the house were built in the early 1900's. Jerry has been busy removing the damage and repairing it.

The following pictures are of the finished repair work.

This is our new closet door that Jerry installed.

This is one of our beautiful new windows that the Brannan's installed for us.

Gary and his dad also installed our new front door for us.

These boxes contain all of our new kitchen cabinets and counter tops.

Thats all for now. I will update again soon.

Friday, February 19, 2010

I have had a cold for about a week now. Due to that I haven't spent as much time with Kyndra and Kayla as I wanted. Last week Josh's family was all hear visiting so I stayed in the motor home so I wouldn't share my cold. Sunday I went in for a little while to see the girls and we took these pics.
I feel pretty good during the day but at night I start coughing and can't stop so I haven't been getting much sleep. Wednesday we loaded Jessica and the girls up and went to Peoria to go thrift store shopping. We had a lot of fun.

Friday, February 12, 2010

I realize I start a lot of my blogs with, "Boy it's been along time since I've written in my blog but....". This time I have the best reason in the world. Our new granddaughter Kayla Joy was born on Feb. 8th at 1:50 in the afternoon. It isn't that we were so busy with the birth of the baby it is that we were so busy taking care of Kyndra. Josh and Jessica stayed at the hospital until Wed. and then they came home. Josh's brother, sister-in-law and mom came on Wed. night. Jonny and Michelle left Thursday evening and Friday (this am) his sister Amanda came to see Kayla and to take his mom home. On top of everything else I have a terrible cold. I thought it was just allergies but it is now in my chest so yucky.

Wed. we went with Gary and Cassie to Springfield so Gary could buy a really cool car. It is a blue Mazda Protege. It is beautiful. We had a wonderful time and got to go to a new Restore and did some other shopping.