Saturday, April 18, 2009

You can always tell when spring is here because the lawn mowers start up. We have been mowing our field and it looks so cool. I like it because you can see the animals that live there. We have a pheasant that makes the weirdest noise and rabbits and sometimes deer. I will miss that when we move. I won't miss mowing the lawn or field. We are going to plant the back yard today. Tim and crew spread the dirt mountain out all over the yard and now we have to roll it and plant the seed.

I am really excited about our trip to the Oregon Garden. Well not really the garden part but the dinner and room part. They built a brand new resort there and they are have a special deal where you get dinner, a room, and free addmission to the garden for $69.00. I signed up for it along time ago and they canceled our first reservation because they weren't open yet. I had to reschedule when I started my job and now we finally get to go. I will let you know how it goes.

Intel is having party after party for Jerry. Different friends are taking him out to lunch. He went to a LAN party last night which had nothing to do with his leaving but it will be his last one. His upper level manager wants to take us out to dinner if he comes to town before we move. I'm sure that Jerry is feeling alittle bad about leaving his friends. I am sorry for him about that.

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